Mizuho Financial Group
- 〈みずほ〉では、LGBT+等の性的マイノリティの社員が不利益を感じることなく安心して働くことができる職場づくりをめざし、人事・福利厚生制度整備等をはじめ職場環境整備や、社員の意識啓発に継続的に取り組んでいます。さらに、LGBT+とアライの社員ネットワークメンバーが中心となり、自分の思いや経験を社内外に発信するイベントを開催するなど、社員が自律的に理解促進に取り組む風土が育まれています。
- Mizuho aims to create a workplace in which LGBT+ employees can work with the same sense of security and peace of mind as any of their colleagues. To that end, we continue to implement initiatives to create a favorable work environment, including improvements to HR and employee benefits systems and efforts to raise employee awareness. Also, the members of our internal network for LGBT+ and ally employees have taken a lead role in holding events where they can share their thoughts and experiences internally and externally. These initiatives demonstrate that we are developing a corporate culture that enables employees to independently promote further understanding of the LGBT+ community.