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Number of “My Declaration of Human Rights” declarer

2025/03/26 現在 As of March 26, 2025


For companies and organizations that intend to make
“My Declaration of Human Rights.”


This initiative encourages companies and organizations to take action on human rights
by having their heads and executives express their determination.

Points to be Noted
Among the Declarations submitted, we will separately publicize remarkable examples from the viewpoint of the protection of human rights on the dedicated “My Declaration of Human Rights” website.
If the number of declarations exceeds the capacity for posting, we will not be able to post all of submissions from companies and/or organizations. We thank you for your understanding in advance.
Please make declaration in the name of the company, NPO, or other organizations (“the Organizations”). Please note in advance that we may have to delete declaration if it is found to have been made in the name of a store or services operated or managed by the Organizations, or if the purpose of declaration is found to be commercial advertisement, promotion or solicitation, etc.


Please use the following template when making
“My Declaration of Human Rights.”


The content of declaration can be freely decided by declarers, but we suggest it should be based on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and Japan’s National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
If possible, please send a file (PDF) describing the content of the declaration and a photograph (JPG) of the declarer holding the declaration through the form below.

以下のフォームに必要事項を入力し、送信内容の確認へ をクリックしてください。

Please fill out the following form and submit (it to us)

企業・団体名Name of company or organization ※必須掲載されますTo be posted (on the website)
企業・団体名(英文)Name of company or organization (English) 掲載されますTo be posted (on the website)
企業・団体名フリガナName of company or organization (Furigana) ※必須
業種選択Category of Businesses 掲載されますTo be posted (on the website) ※必須

御社の業種を選択してください。(複数選択可。最大3つまで)Please identify category of businesses of your organization among the following options (You may choose multiple options up to three).

郵便番号Postal code ※必須
所在地 都道府県
Prefecture where the head office or main office is located ※必須掲載されますTo be posted (on the website)
所在地 住所
Address of the head office or main office ※必須
宣言者 お名前Name of the declarer ※必須
宣言者 お名前 フリガナName of the declarer (Furigana) ※必須
宣言者 肩書きPosition of the declarer ※必須
ご担当者 お名前Name of the person in charge ※必須
ご担当者 お名前 フリガナName of the person in charge (Furigana) ※必須
ご担当者 肩書きPosition of the person in charge ※必須
EメールアドレスEmail address ※必須
Eメールアドレス(確認)Email address (confirmation) ※必須
Myじんけん宣言My Declaration of Human Rights ※必須掲載されますTo be posted (on the website)
Myじんけん宣言(英文)My Declaration of Human Rights (English) 掲載されますTo be posted (on the website)


Myじんけん宣言My Declaration of Human Rights 掲載されますTo be posted (on the website)


Please send a file saved in PDF format (data such as PowerPoint, etc.) that describes the content of the declaration. Also please send a photo (JPG file) of the declarer holding the declaration.


The maximum size is up to 3MB


The maximum size is up to 3MB


The maximum size is up to 3MB

御社のホームページ内に、策定した人権方針等があれば記載してください。 Please describe the human rights policy, if any, that your company has posted on your company's website.
作成したページURLURL for the webpage created 掲載されますTo be posted (on the website)