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Number of “My Declaration of Human Rights” declarer

2024/07/16 現在 As of July 16, 2024
合同会社なないろぱれっと nanairo-palette.Ltd
  • ・当社は「Myじんけん宣言」に賛同し、性別、年齢、国籍、人種、価値観にかかわらず、一人ひとりの人格と個性を重んじる社会の実現を目指します。
  • ・社内外に関わらず全ての関係者の人権を尊重し、誰もが自分の能力と特性を活かせる職場環境を提供します。
  • ・あらゆる差別やハラスメント行為を根絶し、互いに信頼し合える安心で健全な職場を構築します。
  • ・女性が活躍できる職場を目指し、性別を問わず育児休暇が取得しやすい制度を整えます。また、リモートワークの導入を含む働き方改革を推進し、多様なライフスタイルをサポートできる体制を整えます。
  • Our company supports the My Jinken Declaration and aims to realize a society that values the personality and individuality of each person, regardless of gender, age, nationality, race, or values.
  • We respect the human rights of all parties involved, both inside and outside the company, and provide a work environment where everyone can utilize their abilities and characteristics.
  • We will eradicate all forms of discrimination and harassment and build a safe and healthy workplace where there is mutual trust.
  • Aiming to create a workplace where women can play an active role, we will establish a system that makes it easy for employees to take childcare leave regardless of gender. We will also promote work style reforms, including the introduction of remote work, and create a system that can support diverse lifestyles.

For those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”


I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.