- コニカミノルタグループ人権方針
- 私たちコニカミノルタグループは、「Imaging to the People」を経営ビジョンに掲げ、「人間中心の生きがい追及」と「持続的な社会の実現」を高次に両立させることを目指しています。その実現にあたり、人権の尊重をコニカミノルタグループが事業活動を行う上での基本原則ととらえ、その責任を果たすことに努めます。
- The Konica Minolta Group has established Imaging to the People as its management vision, and aims both to support people to achieve their own purpose and realize a sustainable society to a greater degree. To achieve this goal, we will strive to fulfill our responsibilities by recognizing respect for human rights as a basic principle of the Konica Minolta Groups business activities.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.