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Number of “My Declaration of Human Rights” declarer

2024/09/01 現在 As of September 1, 2024
株式会社検索順位の海賊 Search Engine Ranking Pirates inc
  • SEO業界に携わるすべての人へ。私たちは、より健全で、誰もが幸せに働ける業界を目指し、ここに宣言します。
  • 1. 透明性と公正性:SEO手法やサービス内容を透明化し、不当な競争行為をなくします。2. 顧客第一主義:顧客のニーズを第一に考え、長期的な関係を築きます。3. 業界全体の成長:知識や技術の向上に努め、業界の発展に貢献します。4. 社会への貢献:法規制を遵守し、より良いインターネット社会の実現を目指します。5. 幸せな働き方:ワークライフバランスを重視し、働きがいのある職場を作ります。
  • この宣言を胸に、共に健全なSEO業界を築きましょう。
  • To all those involved in the SEO industry,
  • We declare our commitment to creating a more wholesome industry where everyone can work happily.
  • Transparency and Fairness: We will increase transparency in SEO methods and service content, and eliminate unfair competition.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: We will prioritize customer needs and build long-term relationships.
  • Industry-wide Growth: We will strive to improve our knowledge and skills, and contribute to the development of the industry.
  • Contribution to Society: We will comply with laws and regulations, and aim to create a better internet society.
  • Happy Work Environment: We will prioritize work-life balance and create workplaces where people can feel fulfilled.
  • With this declaration in mind, let us work together to build a healthier SEO industry.

For those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”


I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.