Shinjyuku Yorisoi Mental Clinic
- ◎医療機関として、人々が平等に健康な生活をおくれることを目指し、活動します。
- ◎当院に関わる全ての人々のプライバシーを守り、干渉することはありません。
- ◎当院のスタッフに対して、公正かつ有利な勤労条件を確保し、労働時間の合理的な制限及び定期的な有給休暇を含む休息及び余暇を持てるようにします。
- ◎人種・性・年齢などに関係なく、医療の提供を行います。
- As a healthcare institution, we strive towork towards ensuring that people canlead healthy lives equally.
- We will protect the privacy of all individuals associated with our institution andwill not interfere.
- We will ensure fair and favorable working conditions for our staff, including reasonable limits on working hours and regular paid leave to allow for rest and leisure.
- We will provide medical care regardless of race, gender, age, or any other factor.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.