Social Welfare Corporation Hitotonari
- ・すべての人々の人権を尊重し、年齢、性別、障害、国籍、宗教などによる差別を一切排除します。
- ・安心して暮らし、働ける環境を提供し、虐待やハラスメントのない場所を作り続けます。
- ・すべての人が自らの人生を自分で選び、主体的に生きる権利を尊重し、支援します。
- ・職員に対し、人権に関する教育と啓発を行い、理解を深めます。
- We respect the human rights of all individuals and eliminate any form of discrimination based on age, gender, disability, nationality, or religion.
- We provide a safe environment for living and working, continuously striving to create a place free from abuse and harassment.
- We respect and support everyones right to choose their own life and live proactively.
- We provide education and awareness on human rights to our staff, deepening their understanding.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.