grsta CO., LTD.
- 人権尊重を促進するために以下に取り組みます。
- ・従業員の教育と意識啓発
- 差別やハラスメントを防ぐために、定期的な人権教育やトレーニングを実施します。
- ・多様性と包摂性の推進
- 全従業員が性別や年齢、障がいなどにかかわらず公平に働ける職場環境を整えます。
- ・従業員の健康と安全の確保
- 過重労働の防止やメンタルヘルス対策、ハラスメント防止など、従業員の働きやすい環境を整備します。
- ・コンプライアンスとガバナンス強化
- 法令遵守と公正なビジネス慣行を維持し、内部統制を強化します
- To promote respect for human rights, we will work on below.
- -Employee education and awareness
- Regular human rights education and training will be conducted to prevent discrimination and harassment.
- -Promote diversity and inclusiveness
- We will create a work environment where all employees can work fairly regardless of gender, age, disability, etc.
- -Ensure employee health and safety
- We will create a comfortable working environment for employees by preventing overwork, mental health issues, and harassment.
- -Strengthen compliance and governance
- We will maintain legal compliance and fair business practices, and strengthen internal controls.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.