COG Web Service Co., Ltd.
- 私たちは、すべての人々の基本的人権を尊重し、平等な機会を提供することを誓います。
- 性別、年齢、国籍、宗教、障害、性的指向などの違いを尊重し、多様性を積極的に受け入れ、誰もが自分らしく働ける環境を作ります。
- 職場での差別やハラスメントを排除し、全員が安心して意見を言える、サポートし合える環境づくりに努めます。
- また、人権に関する意識を高めるため、社員全員で学び続け、互いに敬意を持って接することを心がけます。
- We pledge to respect the fundamental human rights of all individuals and provide equal opportunities. We will actively embrace diversity, respecting differences in gender, age, nationality, religion, disability, and sexual orientation, and strive to create an environment where everyone can work authentically. We will eliminate discrimination and harassment in the workplace, and work to build an environment where everyone can speak up and support each other. Additionally, we commit to continuously learning and raising awareness about human rights, treating each other with respect at all times.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.