LiCre, Co., Ltd.
- すべての人が平等で尊厳を持って生きられる権利を大切にします。
- 日常生活や仕事の場で、誰もが安心して自分らしく過ごせるように心がけ、差別や偏見を生まない環境づくりに努めます。
- 世界人権宣言の理念を基に、他者を思いやり、互いを尊重する社会を目指します。
- 持続可能な未来のために、自分にできる小さな一歩を積み重ね、自由と調和のある社会をともに築いていきます。
- We value the right of all people to live equally and with dignity.
- In our daily lives and workplaces, we strive to create an environment where everyone can feel safe and be themselves, free from discrimination and prejudice.
- Guided by the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we aim to foster a society built on empathy and mutual respect.
- By taking small steps that we can each contribute, we work together toward a sustainable future and a society that embodies freedom and harmony.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.