PetAir ltd.
- 私たちは、人とペットの幸せな関係づくりを支援する企業として、すべての人の尊厳と権利を尊重します。
- お客様、従業員、取引先の多様性を認め合い、誰もが安心して関われる企業を目指します。
- 国籍や文化の違いを超えて、公平で誠実なサービスを提供し、グローバルな信頼関係を築きます。
- 互いに敬意を持って接し、全ての人が持つ可能性を最大限に発揮できる環境をつくります。
- As a company dedicated to supporting the happiness of people and their pets, we respect the dignity and rights of all individuals.
- We embrace the diversity of our customers, employees, and business partners, striving to be a company where everyone feels secure and valued.
- We provide fair and sincere service beyond national and cultural differences, building global relationships based on trust.
- We treat each other with respect, creating an environment where all individuals can maximize their potential.
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“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.