- ・権利と威厳を守り、健康で幸せな生活を送ることを大切にします。
- ・周囲の人々に対し、思いやりと敬意をもって接し、差別や偏見を排除することを約束します。
- ・すべての形態のハラスメントを排除し、安心して働ける環境を守ることを誓います。
- - Value protecting rights and dignity and living a healthy and happy life.
- - Promise to treat those around us with consideration and respect, and to eliminate discrimination and prejudice.
- - Pledge to eliminate all forms of harassment and protect an environment where we can work with peace of mind.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.