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Number of “My Declaration of Human Rights” declarer

2025/03/29 現在 As of March 29, 2025
ハッピーステート株式会社 HappyState Inc.
  • 1. 人権尊重の推進
  • すべての人がその尊厳を守られ、平等に扱われる社会の実現を目指します。
  • 2. 職場環境の改善
  • 差別やハラスメントを防ぎ、全従業員が安心して働ける職場環境を整えます。
  • 3 サプライチェーンの透明性
  • 取引先を含む事業活動全体で、人権侵害を防ぐための基準を設け、厳格に遵守します。
  • 4 社会貢献活動の推進
  • 地域社会における教育や啓発活動を通じて、人権尊重の意識を広めます。
  • 5:継続的な見直しと改善
  • 国際基準や国内行動計画を参考に、自らの行動を定期的に見直し、改善を行います。
  • この宣言を基に、日々の行動を通じて、人権を守り、持続可能な未来を築いていきます。
  • 1. promotion of respect for human rights
  • We aim to realize a society in which all people are protected in their dignity and treated equally. 2.
  • 2. improvement of work environment
  • We will prevent discrimination and harassment and create a safe and comfortable work environment for all employees.
  • 3. supply chain transparency
  • We will establish and strictly adhere to standards to prevent human rights violations throughout our business activities, including those of our business partners.
  • 4 Promotion of social contribution activities
  • We will spread awareness of respect for human rights through education and awareness-raising activities in local communities.
  • 5: Continuous Review and Improvement
  • We will periodically review and improve our own actions with reference to international standards and domestic action plans.
  • Based on this declaration, we will protect human rights and build a sustainable future through our daily actions.

For those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”


I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.