- 【人権の尊重と多様性の推進】
- すべての人々の基本的人権を尊重し、国籍、性別、年齢、宗教、障害の有無などにかかわらず、多様な価値観を受け入れる公平で包摂的な社会を目指します。
- 【女性活躍の推進】
- 女性が能力を最大限に発揮できるよう、キャリア支援や柔軟な働き方の整備、リーダーシップへの挑戦機会を提供し、ジェンダー平等を推進します。
- 【職場環境の構築】
- すべての従業員が安心して働ける職場を整備し、それぞれの能力が最大限発揮されるよう支援します。
- Respect for human rights and promotion of diversity
- We respect the fundamental human rights of all people and aim to create a fair and inclusive society that embraces diverse values regardless of nationality, gender, age, religion, or disability.
- Promotion of womens activities
- We will promote gender equality by providing career support, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities to take on leadership challenges so that women can maximize their potential.
- Establishment of a workplace environment
- We will create a workplace where all employees can work with peace of mind, and support them in maximizing their abilities.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.