Dreamin 社労士事務所
Dreamin Social and Labor Consultant Office
- ・ディーセント・ワークの促進
- ・ハラスメント対策の強化
- ・労働者の権利の保護・尊重(含む外国人労働者、外国人技能実習生等)
- ・障害者雇用の促進
- ・女性活躍の推進
- ・雇用分野における平等な取扱い
- ・AIの利用と人権やプライバシーの保護に関する議論の推進
- Promotion of decent work
- Strengthen anti-harassment measures
- Protection and respect for workers rights
- Promotion of employment of persons with disabilities
- Promotion of womens participation and advancement
- Equal treatment in the field of employment
- Promote discussions on the use of AI and the protection of human rights and privacy
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.