Link Wit LLC
- 当社は、人権尊重を企業活動の基盤と位置づけ、多様な人材が互いを尊重し合い、誰もが自分らしく活躍できる職場環境の構築に取り組みます。
- 採用・育成・評価のあらゆるプロセスにおいて公平性を保ち、差別やハラスメントを排除します。
- また、お客様、取引先、地域社会との関わりにおいても人権を尊重した事業活動を推進し、持続可能な社会の発展に貢献することを宣言します。
- Our company positions human rights respect as the foundation of our corporate activities and is committed to building a workplace environment where diverse talent can respect each other and everyone can thrive as their authentic selves. We maintain fairness in all processes of recruitment, development, and evaluation, eliminating discrimination and harassment. Furthermore, we declare our commitment to promoting business activities that respect human rights in our interactions with customers, business partners, and local communities, contributing to the development of a sustainable society.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.