- 人権尊重を基盤とした自動車サービスの提供
- 車輪工房は、人権尊重を企業活動の基盤とし、以下の取り組みを通じて、誰もが尊重され、安心して利用できる自動車サービスの提供を目指します。
- 従業員の人権尊重
- 従業員の多様性を尊重し、差別やハラスメントのない職場環境を整備します。
- 適正な労働時間と公正な賃金を保証し、ワークライフバランスを推進します。
- お客様の人権尊重
- 年齢、性別、障害の有無に関わらず、全てのお客様に公平で丁寧なサービスを提供します。
- お客様の個人情報を適切に管理し、プライバシーを保護します。
- サプライチェーンにおける人権尊重
- 取引先に対して人権尊重の重要性を伝え、協力して人権デューディリジェンスを実施します。
- 部品調達において、強制労働や児童労働のリスクがないか確認します。
- 地域社会との共生
- 地域の交通安全活動に積極的に参加し、安全な交通環境の実現に貢献します。
- Providing automotive services based on respect for human rights
- At Wheel Workshop, we aim to provide automotive services that are safe and accessible to all, based on respect for human rights, through the following initiatives.
- Respect for the human rights of our employees
- We respect the diversity of our employees and maintain a workplace environment free from discrimination and harassment.
- We guarantee appropriate working hours and fair wages, and promote work-life balance.
- Respect for the human rights of our customers
- We will provide fair and courteous service to all customers, regardless of age, gender or disability.
- We will appropriately manage customer personal information and protect privacy.
- Respect for Human Rights in the Supply Chain
- We will communicate the importance of respecting human rights to our business partners and work together with them to implement human rights due diligence.
- We will check for the risk of forced labour and child labour in parts procurement.
- Harmony with Local Communities
- We will actively participate in local traffic safety activities and contribute to the creation of a safe traffic environment.
- We will strive to create local employment and contribute to the revitalisation of the local economy.
- Promotion of human rights education
- We will conduct regular human rights training for employees to raise awareness of human rights.
- We will conduct educational activities on eco-driving and traffic manners for customers, and contribute to raising awareness of human rights throughout society.
- Through these initiatives, the Wheel Workshop will foster a corporate culture that respects human rights and contribute to the realisation of a sustainable society.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.