- 誰もが公平な雇用の選択肢を得られるよう、多様性を尊重した情報提供を行います。
- 差別や偏見のない社会の実現に向け、透明性のあるデータ発信に努めます。
- 利用者のプライバシーを守り、安心して情報収集ができる環境を提供します。
- We provide diversified information so that everyone has an equal opportunity of employment.
- We try to maintain the transparency of any information we provide in order to create a world without any discrimination or prejudice.
- We always make efforts to protect the user privacy to offer environment which allows users to feel safe to correct any information at any moment.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.