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Number of “My Declaration of Human Rights” declarer

2025/03/12 現在 As of March 12, 2025


全国人権擁護委員連合会内田会長 全国人権擁護委員連合会内田会長の「Myじんけん宣言」


“My Declaration of Human Rights” and message from UCHIDA Hirofumi, Chairperson of the National Federation of Associations of Human Rights Volunteers




Human rights continue to evolve. This evolution is being driven by people whose human rights have been violated. That is why human rights in the 21st century are called human rights of these people, by the people, and for these people themselves. Therefore, things that were common yesterday may become senseless today. There is no end to learning about human rights. If we stop learning, we may violate human rights without even realizing it.

There are various types of human rights, and many different types of parties relevant to various human rights. We can learn a great deal about human rights through interactions with such people. Some human rights may be relevant to you, but some are not. All of us are both teachers and learners of human rights.

Let us make “My Declaration of Human Rights” and learn about human rights together. Let us work together to protect the human rights of ourselves and others.


The preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, “Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.” As a citizen, I would like to work harder than ever on human rights protection activities in accordance with this “common standard.”

UCHIDA Hirofumi, Chairperson of the National Federation of Associations of Human Rights Volunteers