- 人権尊重の方針に基づき、社内の体制を整備します。
- 過度な労働を強いず、適切な労働時間の管理を徹底します。
- 従業員のQOL(生活の質)を重視し、働きやすい職場環境を整えます。
- 体調が優れない時は、業務よりも健康を優先し、休暇を取りやすい制度を整えます。
- セクハラ・モラハラをはじめとするあらゆるハラスメントを許さず、厳格に対処します。
- Establish internal systems based on a human rights-focused policy.
- Prevent overwork by ensuring appropriate working hours.
- Prioritize quality of life (QOL) and create a workplace that supports employee well-being.
- Encourage employees to take time off when feeling unwell, prioritizing health over work.
- Maintain a strict zero-tolerance policy against sexual harassment and workplace misconduct.
する方へFor those who make their
“My Declaration of Human Rights”
I hereby declare the "My Human Rights Declaration" and swear that I will act according to the declaration.